Sky Kamas - Buy Kamas for Dofus

Delivery policies

Sometimes the delivery time can take up to 24h, but usually does not take more than 30 minutes. When the delivery exceeds the allowed time, we can make a refund for you, but usually does not carry more than 30min. If you are the one who is late or cannot take the order in time, you can pick it up at any time within 7 days, after 7 days, if the order has not yet been received, a refund will be made.

1. Once your order has been made, you can verify your status in the menu of your account, the status of your order will be "accepted payment."

2. If the stock is available, it will be contacted in the game within a period that can vary between 2 minutes and 24 hours (you can communicate with our live chat on the site at any time to follow the progress of your order).

3. If there are no available stocks, a message will be written in your order, which you can see in the details of your order, explaining that your order is pending refueling and the status of your order will be "waiting for refueling."

4. In any case, it will be delivered in less than 24 hours, otherwise you have the right to request the total return of your order or the unrelated party.

5. It is possible that you must provide personal documents to verify your identity and payment information, these documents remain confidential and will only be communicated to your payment company in case one of your payments is problematic. (You can review our privacy policy)
You have the possibility to consult the availability of stock and delivery time before making your order contacting the online support of our site.

Order in process:

Be sure to complete your data correctly:
the name of the character you enter your order is the character that will receive the order in the game, be sure to complete it correctly.

Delivery in the game:
Once the order is made, if there are stocks available, the status of your order changes to "ongoing delivery" and we will get in touch with you very quickly in the game (a few minutes)

If the stock is not available, the status of your order changes to "pending replacement" and prepare your stock as soon as possible, "between 30 minutes and 24 hours a maximum"

We can be attentive to your email or online chat, in case of a novelty.

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